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Comparando o DB2 LUW 10.5 Express-C com seus concorrentes

DB2 Express-C is the free edition of the DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows database. Unlike Microsoft and Oracle express offerings, DB2 Express-C does not impose any limit on the size of database! The latest edition (10.5) relaxes its memory restriction by 400%! It will now use up to 16GB of memory. Furthermore DB2 Express-C can handle database of any size, it can be used in production, and it can be redistributed with your applications.

Here is how the three major express from IBM, Microsoft and Oracle and their limitations:

DB2 Express-C is available for Windows (x86/x64), Linux (x86, x64, Power Systems), Solaris, and Mac OS X. DB2 can be easily managed from the command line or with the free tool, IBM Data Studio.

See more at: http://www.db2-symposium.com/articles/comparing-db2-10-5-express-c-with-its-competitors/?goback=%2Eanb_2761037_*2_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1%2Egmp_2761037%2Egde_2761037_member_261374571#sthash.AU5WmEos.dpuf